Hope operates in complex multi-ethnic and multi-religious contexts by providing humanitarian assistance and by realizing sustainable development projects in the areas of health and education. It represents real hope for a possible coexistence among people of different beliefs, by respecting their differences.
In a few years HOPE has realized projects in favour of hospitals, orphanages, schools and kindergartens in danger in Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Italy, examples of sustainable development programs to help and support specific needs of children and enlarged communities. In all its programs HOPE aims to foster dialogue and unity, in spite of religious ethnic and social differences.
HOPE was founded in 2006 by Elena Fazzini and young specialized professionals, who offered experience, passion, expertise and commitment to solidarity in order to meet specific needs and to build sustainable solutions to help children and communities in danger and offer them concrete hope for a better future.
Supporto ai profughi a Milano (Italia)
Supporto post-trauma per i bambini di Gaza e di Sephoris (Palestina e Israele)
Nuovo Reparto di Oculistica all’Italian Hospital di Amman (Giordania)
Medicinali e aiuto sanitario a Gaza (Palestina)
Nuovo giardino della Casa di Accoglienza per minori a rischio di Sephoris (Israele)
Fabbrica dei Sogni di Nazareth per bambini arabi ed ebrei (Israele)