The aim of A.R.P.A.I. is the promotion and financial support of conservation activities on the works of art belonging to the Italian artistic and cultural heritage, both public and private, provided they are open to the public and they are found in Italian soil, both continental and insular.
The goal, which goes along with the actual restoration, is to spread the idea of how, now more than ever, the private citizen’s commitment is essential to protect the artistic heritage, which belongs to whole humanity; indispensable with the Italian heritage, so vast, precious, and fragile.
The Association carries out annually cultural events and has produced a few exhibitions in collaboration with Cultural Institutes such as the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, Intesa Sanpaolo (as part of the exhibition restitutions, produced by the bank itself), the University of Padua, museums, places of worship, libraries, the Quirinale, which associated with ARPAI to collaborate in the presentation of the restored artifacts to the public and in the edition of essays, catalogs and monographs and, in some cases, with their own financial support.
A.R.P.A.I., through its Scientific Committee and its director operates a strict control in the selection of restoration projects and in their supervision during the implementation of the works.
The works that the association has restored have absolute cultural value, and not only for Italy but for the whole world; include, among others, the restoration of masterpieces, sometimes in danger of survival, by Duccio di Buoninsegna, Perugino, Benozzo Gozzoli, Mantegna.
Associate Members of A.R.P.A.I. in the various membership categories are: private Italian and foreign citizens, foundations, companies and banking institutions.
Every year A.R.P.A.I. receives proposals for restoration projects to support. The Scientific Committee assesses the nature of the request, the urgency of intervention, the methodology proposed and related scientific research in addition to the financial commitment necessary for the work. Finally, the Executive Council, composed of 15 members, examines the proposals and votes the interventions for which the Association will give its economic support.
The Association is now chaired by Ms. Dominique Marzotto Desforges; Vicepresident is the Count Luca Marzotto, while the Count Paolo Marzotto, who was the founder, is honorary president.
Since 2000 is directed by prof. Gian Antonio Golin,
Among the projects approved in 2015 there is the restoration of Giotto’s frescoes in the Bardi Chapel of Santa Croce (Florence) and 33 manuscripts and scientific printed volumes from Aldrovandi and Marsili Funds of the University Library of Bologna.